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Software Development Environments

The research is centered around a number of core areas within software development support, with central themes of integrated environments, object-oriented languages (in the tradition of Simula, BETA, and Java), and embedded systems such as industrial robots and mobile phones. The research method is focused on experimental implementation and development of theory that is of practical relevance. There is much interaction between the individual projects, with a strive for integrating the developed core technologies. The Research group works closely with LUCAS - Center for Applied Software Research.

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Core Areas and Projects

Computer Graphics

Staff: Mathias Haage, Calle Lejdfors, Lennart Ohlsson

Configuration Management
Emphasis on support for fine-grained integrated configuration management with support for optimistic development and collaborative awareness.

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Staff: Ulf Asklund, Lars Bendix, Boris Magnusson

Language Design
Emphasis on object-oriented domain-specific languages and the use of interactive environments for evolving languages.

Staff: Torbjörn Ekman, Görel Hedin, Klas Nilsson

Reference Attributed Grammars

Staff: Torbjörn Ekman, Görel Hedin, Eva Magnusson, Anders Nilsson

Language Implementation
Emphasis on safe object-oriented languages, integrated language-based editing environments, object-oriented language specification, and small target environments.

Network Programming

Staff: Torbjörn Eklund, Görel Hedin, Anders Ive, Boris Magnusson, Anders Nilsson, Klas Nilsson, David Svensson

Runtime (Java)

Staff: Boris Magnusson, Anders Nilsson

Language Technologies

Staff: Pierre Nugues

Realtime computing
Emphasis on support for hard real-time computing in object-oriented languages.

Staff: Görel Hedin, Roger Henriksson, Klas Nilsson, Sven G Robertz,

Emphasis on open software architectures for industrial robots.

Staff: Mathias Haage, Klas Nilsson

Code genereation for multiprocessors
The goal is to reduce performance penalty due to cache misses.

Last update:
Tuesday, 14-Mar-2006 15:37:19 CET
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