On the Integration of Text Editing and Version Control

P. Persson

In K. A. Mughal and A. L. Opdahl (editors): Proceedings of NWPER '98, Eighth Nordic Workshop on Programming Environment Research, pages 209-219. Ronneby, Sweden, August 1998. Technical report, Department of Informatics and Department of Information Science, University of Bergen, Norway.

[Postscript] [pdf]


The COOP/Orm environment is a client/server based environment for collaborative development work, such as software development. The environment is built as a framework where different kinds of editors can be plugged in. We present an important special case, the COOP/Orm text editor. The editor has access to version information and presents it to the user directly during editing. The editor's hierarchical user interface can display version information regarding single characters, subdocuments and the document as a whole. We also describe how the editor detects merge conflicts in our fine-grained model.