
Lars Bendix:
Activity Post-Mortem - an eXtreme Teaching Practice, pdf
in Proceedings of the Utvecklingskonferens 09, Lund, Sweden, September 24, 2009.

Most teachers strive for perfection in their activities and the use at Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden of summative (CEQ) and formative assessment is a help to that. However, it is difficult to put to consistent use and many struggle to get the benefits.

Reflection is key to all improvement. Activity Post-Mortem (APM) is a technique that supports the teacher in continuously reflecting on his teaching activities in a structured and disciplined way. It provides structures and guidelines for capturing and disseminating different kinds of reflection information and it imposes discipline in explicitly scheduling the production of reflection information and planning the use of the obtained data. APM fits well with the highly iterative nature of eXtreme Teaching and its focus on feedback and communication.

APM shares many traits with summative and formative assessment. However, in contrast to summative assessment that is done after the completion of a whole course, APM is done immediately after each single activity, like a lecture, and can be used to improve the pedagogy of the next lecture or the contents of this or next year's course. It can help you capture, preserve and use examples, questions, ideas and dialogue you improvise and create on the fly during an activity. APM shares the same objectives as formative assessment, however instead of focus on feedback to the students, focus is on feedback to the teacher on the results of his activities - did he learn something about teaching. Furthermore, APM is an explicit technique that implements the implicit principles from formative assessment.

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