
DAT128 Combinatorial Optimisation (Fall 2002)



Time and Place

Lectures (föreläsningar)

First lecture:4 November.

TA sessions (övningar)


The schedule 2001 contains week-by-week information, for last year. Soon a precise schedule for 2002 will be on-line, but the changes to last year are minimal anyway.

The schedule for S99, schedule for F99, and schedule for F01 are still online, if you are curious.


Lectures are in English or Swedish. All materials, including the exam, are in English. You can hand in exercises, do the exam, and ask questions in English or Swedish.



Thore Husfeldt. Room 2113A; visit me if the door is open. Do not send me email.

Teaching assistant

Magdalena Grantson

Student rep (kursombud)




Course book

Papadimitriou & Steiglitz: Combinatorial Optimization. Dover 1998.

Supplementary texts

Rosen: Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 4th ed. WCB/McGraw-Hill 1999.
Karloff: Linear programming. Birkhäuser 1991.




Old exams on-line

Note that all exam questions up to 23/8-99 are included in [dat119-0] (and even without the errors!), so there is really no need to print the first four sets. Also note that there are no ready-made solutions to most of these exams (see the FAQ), the comments for 20/12-00 are an attempt to strike a reasonable compromise.


Mandatory parts

There is a mandatory programming exercise every week. You need the grade `G' on each of these but one to be admitted to the exam.

Apart from that, the course has no mandatory parts. It is up to you if you attend lectures, participate in TA sessions, or hand in the weekly theory exercise.


Written examination. All written aids allowed, i.e., books, notes, etc. No computers, cellular phones or other gimmicks. You can bring a pocket calculator, but you won't need it.